1.28.22 New Year Congregational Update

2022 Member Verification Form


1.7.21 Be Strong and Very Courageous

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3.20.20 From the Apostle’s Desk

Dear Faith Walkers,
We know that walking by faith is a natural by-product of the working of the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation that brings us into a deep, personal, and intimate knowledge of God Himself. Therefore, we must open our mouth wide so that God can fill it with much-needed wisdom during this time of COVID-19.
Brothers and sisters, I love the church. I’ve devoted nearly my entire adult life to serving God through the church. Anyone who knows me (and after 25 years as the pastor, many of you do), knows I’m relentless about faithfully gathering every weekend to worship and growing together to help others “Possess the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.” Even when we’ve had several feet of snow and sometimes ice, I’ve fought to keep our doors open because I believe in our mission. I believe that there is nothing more important than helping people discover their identity, grasp their KEYS, and develop their relationship with Jesus. NOTHING.
At this time, I relent on this stance because I genuinely believe that it is required to protect our people. After all, a significant part of God’s calling on my life as a pastor is to be a shepherd. One of the vital responsibilities of a shepherd is to protect the sheep at all costs. To fail in this, I firmly believe, is to fail in fulfilling God’s calling on my life. Read more…


Daniel Fast: 2018 Letter & Instructions


11.22.16 Letter from Apostle Lewis


11.21.16 Letter from Apostle Lewis
