January Bible Study 2016

Sevanthood:  The Low Road to our HIGH CALLING
Matthew 11:28-30; John 13:1017
I. The Sign of Discipleship
A. In the first century, the sign was a fish.
B. In all centuries, the sign is servanthood.
II.The Lordship of Jesus Christ
A. Dying to self is your responsibility (Luke 9:23-24; Romans 12:2)
B.  Becoming like Christ is your choice. (Philippines 2:5-9; Hebrews 12:1-2_
III. The Characteristic of Christ-like Servanthood (Matthew 11:28-30).
A. Gentle (meek) in heart
B.  Humble (lowly) in heart
IV.  The Model of Servanthood (John 13:1-17)
A. The setting for servanthood (1-4)
B.  The lessons of servanthood 
1. Unannounced service, not “watch my humility (5)
2. Grace-giving and grace-receiving (6-11)
3. Recipients of servanthood respond  in service to others (12-14)
C.  The actions of servanthood (15-16)
1.  Servanthood is something  you do, not something you merely talk about
2.  Servanthood is rooted in an attitude of being meek and lowly in heart
D.  The benefit of servanthood- personal happiness (17)
V.  The Practical Application of Servanthood
A.Servanthood depends on obedience to God’s Word
1. Believers fail to obey because of a lack of response to God’s love.
2. Believers fail to obey because they are not Word-oriented.
B.  Servanthood depends on personal involvement with people
C.  Servanthood involves serving where others will not
D. Servanthood allows you to give up your perspective and embrace Christ’s perspective.
