July Lesson Topic: Showing Humility Luke 14:7-14

Lesson Exposition (from Lesson Commentary)

I. Living for God’s Exaltation (Luke 14:7-11)
A. A parable on self-glorification(Luke 14:7)
B. The descent of the self-glorified (Luke 14:8-9)
C. The accent of the God-exalted (Luke 14:10)
D. The glorification from God (Luke 14:11)
II. Living for the Resurrection (Luke 14: 12-14)
A. Advice about earthly gain (Luke 14:12)
B. Divinely protected ones (Luke 14:13)
C. Reward at the resurrection (Luke 14:14)
Practical Points
  1. Never seek to take glory for yourself (Luke 14:7-8)
  2. Pride comes before a fall (vs. 9).
  3. Let another person give you honor, not yourself (vs.10).
  4. Selfishness always leads to pride and division, whereas selflessness leads to harmony in relationships (vs 11).
  5. Invest your life not in those who are able to return the favor but in those who are not able to pay you back (vss. 12-13).
  6. God rewards humility and Christ-like service (vs. 14).
