3.1.16 Bible Study

Subject: The Ingredients for Love
Romans 12:9-16 (MSG) 
9-10Love from the center of who you are; don’t fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle.
11-13Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.
14-16Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your happy friends when they’re happy; share tears when they’re down. Get along with each other; don’t be stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies; don’t be the great somebody.
How should the believer relate to other believers? How should he treat believers and behave towards them? The subject is of vital concern to Christ. If we are full of God’s love, it will overflow to others. Life is much better with God as the center ingredient: problems turn into solutions; fear turns into hope; and anger turns to love.
1. Love must be sincere.
a. “let love be genuine” (v. 9a. GW)
b.  Genuine literally means without hypocrisy.
2. Love must be discerning.
3. Love must display tender affection
4. Love must honor others.
5. Love must be enthusiastic.
6.  Love must be patient.
7.  Love must be generous.
8.  Love must pursue hospitality.
9.  Love must be kind.
10.  Love must show sympathy.
11.  Love must live in harmony.
12.  Love must show humility.
13. Conclusion:
As we come to an end of this study, I can only comment that our churches would be happier if you took this passage to heart and stir in these ingredients into our life.
What do we do when it seems that love is not working? Increase the dosage.
Pray and ask the Lord to bring specific people to your ind that you may mix these ingredients and improve the quality in your life.
It is easy (and spiritually dangerous) to be non-specific when it comes to love. If we are to grow in this area, our
love must reach out to specific people we meet this week. They may come to us through an email or a phone
call or at a meeting or when we are in a big hurry and on our way to do something really important and we don’
t have time to be bothered and when we would be glad to hem them later but they need help now. What will we d
o them?
That’s the real test of love. Or the test may come in dealing with the same old grumpy people you life with or work with or go to school with every single day. Grumpy people need love, and who will do it if not you?


2.9.16 Bible Study

The Way of Love
There is no question; what the world needs more than anything else is love. If people loved each other, really loved each other, there would be no more war, crime, abuse, injustice, poverty, hunger, starvation, homelessness, deprivation, or immorality. Love is the one ingredient that could revolutionize society. Love is the greatest quality of human life. Love is the supreme quality, the most excellent way for a man to love.

I. The love of God has preeminence over every subject discussed in the Word of God.
A. Love encompasses everything.
B.  Nothing in your life, finances, family, healing, and so on-will work to its full potential until you perfect
      your love walk. (Galatians 5:6).
C.  Love is not an option (John 15:12)
D. We must strive to increase our love for people (I Thessalonians 3:12)
E. Our power is derived from our relationship with others.
II. You must deal with selfishness in your life.
A. Removing the stony heart (Ezekiel 36:26)
B.  Loving others will use people to recognize you as a disciple (John 13:34-35).
III.Practice the way of LOVE (I Corinthians 13:1-3 AMP)
A. Love endures long
B.  Love is patient
C. Love is kind (Ephesians 4:32 AMP)
D. Love is not envious ( James 3:16)
E. Love is not jealous
F. Love is not boastful
G.  Love is not haughty (Proverbs 16:18)
H.  Love is not conceited
I. Love is not rude
IV. Conclusion
A. The great importance of love . Unequivocally, the decree is pronounced; the judgement is given; the verdict is   declared:
1. The superior quality of life is love; it is no gifts.
2.  The most excellent way to live and serve is to possess and share love; it is not gifts.
B.  The contrast between love and gifts is vivid. Three verdicts are declared and the verdicts stress with resounding fo
    Verdict one:  tongues without love are meaningless.
A person can possess the gift and ability to speak and share Christ in all the languages of the world, but if he  does not have love, he becomes only a clanging and tinkling noise. His speech is meaningless.
A person can possess the spiritual gift of tongues, that is, speak in the heavenly language of angels; but if he does not have love, he becomes only a clanging and tinkling noise. His heavenly, angelic language is meaningless.
Note the phrase he becomes. This is a crucial point: The gifted person’s speech is not only meaningless, the person himself becomes meaningless. He becomes useless in his life and ministry for Christ. Love is far more superior than the gift of tongues.
C. Verdict two:  gifts without love are no thing. 
1.  Not only is his gift of prophecy nothing, but he is nothing.
2. Not only would his understanding and knowledge be nothing, he would be nothing. 
3. Imagine a person possessing “all faith” yet, if he did not possess love, he would be nothing
D.  Verdict three:  giving without love profits nothing. 
1.  Imagine giving everything- “bestowing all my goods to feed  the poor- yet, if I have not love, it profits me nothing.
2.  Yet, if a person does not have love, his martyrdom profits him nothing. He dies in vain. 


January Bible Study 2016

Sevanthood:  The Low Road to our HIGH CALLING
Matthew 11:28-30; John 13:1017
I. The Sign of Discipleship
A. In the first century, the sign was a fish.
B. In all centuries, the sign is servanthood.
II.The Lordship of Jesus Christ
A. Dying to self is your responsibility (Luke 9:23-24; Romans 12:2)
B.  Becoming like Christ is your choice. (Philippines 2:5-9; Hebrews 12:1-2_
III. The Characteristic of Christ-like Servanthood (Matthew 11:28-30).
A. Gentle (meek) in heart
B.  Humble (lowly) in heart
IV.  The Model of Servanthood (John 13:1-17)
A. The setting for servanthood (1-4)
B.  The lessons of servanthood 
1. Unannounced service, not “watch my humility (5)
2. Grace-giving and grace-receiving (6-11)
3. Recipients of servanthood respond  in service to others (12-14)
C.  The actions of servanthood (15-16)
1.  Servanthood is something  you do, not something you merely talk about
2.  Servanthood is rooted in an attitude of being meek and lowly in heart
D.  The benefit of servanthood- personal happiness (17)
V.  The Practical Application of Servanthood
A.Servanthood depends on obedience to God’s Word
1. Believers fail to obey because of a lack of response to God’s love.
2. Believers fail to obey because they are not Word-oriented.
B.  Servanthood depends on personal involvement with people
C.  Servanthood involves serving where others will not
D. Servanthood allows you to give up your perspective and embrace Christ’s perspective.


11.3.15: Angels on Orders(Bible Study)

I. Introduction
Angels are a very important part in the completion of the Church’s mission here on earth. In Hebrews, starting at Chapter 1, the writer gives us information about this powerful unseen force. “And they are not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation.” Here we see that they are spirits. Spirits are something not detected by our natural physical senses. (Not talking about those angels that we entertain unawares.)
In other words, they can be present and you are not aware of it. According to the Bible, they are with you now, assigned to you as a servant or minister to help you, PROTECT, PROVIDE, PROMOTE, and PROSPER you.
II. Here’s something you might consider about believing in angels (Psalms 34:7)
A. Act in line with your belief. (Hebrews 2:1-2)
B.  The Church has not taught on angels, which is a very important aspect of our rights as a citizen of the kingdom.
The enemy has resisted or delayed God’s people manifesting God’s plan, mainly because of a lack of knowledge regarding 
III. It is time for the manifestation of the sons of God, a time to take charge and subdue every wicked force in the earth (Joshua 1:5 &
A. God never expected Moses or Joshua to possess their inheritance without the divine assistance of angels. Nor does He expect that of me and you. (II Kings 6:16-18)
B.  The key is  having our angels go to work for us.  (Psalms 103:20)
i.   Even though the angels are sent on assignment, and stand ready to protect us, to deliver us, to prosper and promote us. They  need the voice of faith to move on our behalf. 
ii.   A closed-mouth Christian will remain a victim (Joshua 6:2-16)
iii.  A prayer in faith can send angels (II Kings 19:2-7, 14-19, 35)
iv.  Declare the Word of the Lord boldly. (Daniel 3:17)
v.   Deliverance and Promotion (Psalms 91:15)
IV. Conclusion:
A. An angel appeared to the Virgin Mary and told her she was going to have a child and he would be the Son of God. Angels sometimes take a physical form when ordered to do so by God. She chose to deliver God and gave birth to the Christ child, Jesus, the Son of God.
B.  So we are in a season of manifestation, a time where God has provided a way for us to win in every situation. 
C. It’s time to make full use of the power of God available to you. To not neglect the ministry of our angels, who are sent forth to keep
us, to guide us, and to ensure that everything Jesus died to provide comes to us. 


10.27.15 Bible Study

KCM   Bible Study

Psalm 91:11

Angels Hearken to the Voice of His Word

October 27, 2015



The problems we have today are not going to be able to be solved on the same level they were created  I believe what he was saying was that “level one problems” would not be solved with “level one solutions.” That the natural problems we have today have their answer on another level, in the spiritual or supernatural realm. Every problem has an answer…and prayer is one of the main ways we access these answers to change what seems like impossible circumstances on earth. When we were kids we were taught to pray this way just before we went to bed at night, “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I awake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.” I know this prayer sounds spiritual and sincere, but let’s examine it, not according to tradition, but in light of the Word of God.

First, effective prayer must be based on God’s Word. When I’d say, “. . . If I should die before I wake. . . ,” this leaves me vulnerable to the “grimreaper” (Satan) creeping in my room and taking my life any time he feels like it, which is unscriptural and a lie from the pit of hell.

God has promised every child of God long life. In other words, I have something to say about when I leave this earth, and how I leave this earth. Because Jesus, by His blood, paid the price for my complete redemption, I don’t have to leave this life on earth sick, decrepit and broke

As a Kingdom citizen, you may even be living in tough times. Well, you are never without security. We have angels (Covenant Enforcing Agents) assigned to us personally to protect us while we are awake or asleep, from all hurt, harm, accidents, and danger (Psalm 91).

So, why would I say, “If I should die before I wake?” The Bible says, “. . . angels hearken to the voice of His Word.” The Word says, “There shall no evil befall you…” Let me give you the Message Bible translation, “Evil can’t get close to you…He has ordered His angels to guard you wherever you go” (Psalm 91:11).

  1. Prayer is a weapon that guarantees winning results. (Eph. 6:12)
    1. The enemy fears every Believer who prays.
    2. Our warfare cannot be in the realm of what we can see or feel in this natural realm (Acts 16:25-26)
    3. We must elevate this battle to another level in order to be successful
  2. Prayer changes things . . . not God
    1. Prayer is not trying to get God’s attention, or trying to get God to do something. Prayer is communicating with God – believing and receiving what He has given to us and has already done for us in Jesus
    2. Prayer starts with the answer, which is the Word of God.
    3. The root of every failure in a Believer’s life or ministry can be traced back to a prayer failure (II Kings 19:6-7; II Kings 19:14-15
    4. Remember, the Word of God is God’s part of our prayer life (Jeremiah 1:12 NASB)
    5. God will always do what He promised (II Kings 19:20)
    6. Every Kingdom blessing is first received spiritually before it is delivered practically (I John 5:14-15)
  3. Prayer is the foundation for every Christian endeavor:
    1. Prayer is where the battles are fought and won:
    2. What was the result of Hezekiah’s prayer (II Kings 19:35)
    3. When we pray, by faith we believe we received, and go to bed and get some rest.
    4. Prayer as a priority to release the power of God and manifest His will in your situation right here on earth, as it is in heaven.
