Parking Lot Campaign

Dear Church,

What an awesome worship experience we had on Sunday!  I love seeing God at work.  Thank God for His awesome move and direction. We have declared 2014 to be the “The Year of the Supernatural.”  Expect God ‘s supernatural intervention in your life, especially in the areas of health, wealth, and relationships.

In fact, if you think God called you to do something and it “makes sense” and seems possible, you might want to seek God again. Because in these last days, where God is sending us, the supernatural is a requirement. 

On Sunday, KCM embarked upon a stewardship campaign for our parking lot repair, some feel  it may be impossible  and not the right time for this type of project. Well it that’s the case then we are in line for God’s supernatural intervention.

As you sow your seed during this campaign, aim that seed for supernatural debt cancellation, supernatural healing, supernatural promotion, for the miracle of a relative being saved, or whatever else seems impossible. Get ready for a supernatural year!

I get excited just thinking about this project!


Over the next several weeks leading up to Easter – April 20, 2014, watch for people wearing small buttons that read “BLESSED.” For every people who gives, we will send a thank you card along with a BLESSED button. This is just another fun thing we can do to raise awareness for this great Parking Lot campaign.


Blessed to be a blessing,

Apostle CE Lewis, Sr., D.Min

